妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

News from Shunkoin & thoughts from Rev.

In 2013, a new attraction was added to the temple — the Guest House “Tetsuryu-Kutsu.” The building is newly built and equipped with modern amenities. Stay in the Shunko-in Temple guesthouse and have an unforgettable experience.


April 9, 2021

明日(4月10日)の午前8時30分からは、新年度(令和3年度)最初のオンライン坐禅と哲学の会「もっとモヤモヤする坐禅会」です。 転迷開悟(てんめいかいご)。迷いから転じて、悟りを開くですが、人間だからもっと迷いましょう、もっと悩みましょう。 さて昨日は、Internat

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March 27, 2021

春光院での坐禅会に関するお知らせです。 昨年より新型コロナウイルスの為、オンライン坐禅会を除いて、春光院での坐禅会及び文化体験は行っておりませんでした。 現時点で、2021年の4月より特別禅体験「the Way of Zen」(日本語及び英語、完全貸し切り、要予約制)の予約受付を開始致します。 また春光院での通

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March 11, 2021

昨年より「川上全龍による禅と自己修養プログラム」を行っております。 現在は、その一環として土曜朝のオンライン坐禅と哲学の会「もっとモヤモヤする坐禅会」を行っております。 またお寺での坐禅会も日本語と英語で再開していく予定です。その際にはオンライン坐禅会に最

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Online Zen Meditation, Self-Compassion, and Self-Cultivation Sessions by Rev. Takafumi Kawakami

May 7, 2020

Rev. Takafumi Kawakami started offering his online "Zen, Self-Compassion, and Self-Cultivation Programs". Please follow his Peatix page to keep yourself updated for upcoming meditation sessions and lectures about Buddhism, self-compassion, and self-cultivation. https://zenwithtakakawakami.peat

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Zen Webinar with Rev. Takafumi Kawakami #2 “How to Meditate” March 30th 9:00 am in Japan

March 25, 2020

Due to COVID-19, in various countries, the governments have imposed nationwide/regional or requesting their citizens to practice self-isolation. Many of you are experiencing high level of stress and anxiety due to the current situation. Please join me to learn how to practice Zen meditation and o

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Our Webinar on March 15th is Available as On-demand

March 15, 2020

We just fished the first webinar of our series on Zen Buddhism and it's practice.  Today's topic was "no-self" and "anti-intellecturalism" in Zen Buddhism. Those who couldn't join the live webinar. The video is available as on-demand. Please go to the link bellow and watch the seminar. h

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Zen Webinar with Rev. Takafumi Zenryu Kawakami on March 15th at 9:00 am JST

March 11, 2020

Zen Webinar by Rev. Takafumi Zenryu Kawakami, "Introduction to Zen Meditation and Philosophy" Date and Time March 15th 9:00 am in Japan March 14th 8:00 pm in U.S. Eastern Time March 14th 5:00 pm in U.S. Pacific Time March 15th 0:00

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Public Talk on Zen and Well-being at MIT on Feb. 17th at 5:00 pm

February 13, 2020

“Being Zen: Conversations on Living Well and Mindfulness” Date: February 17th, 2020 Time: 5PM Location: MIT Building 1 Room 190 ( MIT 1-190) Thank you so much, Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi for hosting me there again.

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Lecture and Dialogue on Zen with Amy Webb of Future Today Institute in NYC on Feb. 18th

February 1, 2020 Future Today Institution Open Lab: “What Zen can teach us about confronting deep uncertainty and the future.” We are living in an era of tremendous uncertainty. Our anxiety stems from inform

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3-day Zen and Self-Cultivation Retreat in English at Shunkoin Temple from Jan. 29th to 31st, 2020

November 6, 2019

We will offer a 3-day Zen and self-cultivation retreat in English at Shunkoin Temple from Jan. 29th to 31st, 2020. During the retreat, you will learn Zen, Buddhist, and other Eastern philosophies and meditation practices.  If you think that something is missing your contemporary mindfulness pract

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