Private Tea Ceremony

妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

Experience and learn about tea ceremony at
a historic
Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto

Shodo (Japanese calligraphy) is not only a form of visual arts. But it is also a mindfulness practice. You can pay close attention to each stroke of brush while you are writing letters.

Myoan Eisai brought both the Rinzai School of Zen Buddhism and green tea from China to Japan in the late 12th century. Japanese tea culture was first established in the Zen Buddhist environment. Zen Buddhism has had a significant impact on Japanese tea ceremony. Thus, it is more meaningful to learn and experience a tea ceremony at a Zen Buddhist temple.

妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

Like Zazen and calligraphy, the experience of tea ceremony also provides an opportunity for calming the mind and emotional awareness. However, it also includes the element of connection with others. Tea ceremony is not just a unique way to prepare and drink green tea. Following the set movements of the procedure helps you to be aware of your physical and mental condition (effortless action in Daoism). Also, you attempt to understand the emotions and conditions of the other participants using pure experience, rather than words. The processes help you to connect with others on a much deeper level. During the session, the simple act of making a bowl of tea becomes a silent expression of kindness.

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妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

Private Tea Ceremony Course (90 min.)
“Tea and Zen Have the Same Flavor/禅茶一味”

This Zen phrase is often used to describe how the essence of Zen and the Way of Tea are the same.
Enjoy a deep session with a Tea expert as he will guide you through the Tea Ceremony. The course includes a short sitting meditation followed by a practice to serve Matcha (powdered green tea). The meditative atmosphere will further evoke discussions on how the taste of Zen and Tea are one.

Instructor Dairik Amae

The expert began his Tea practice at 19 years old, and has lived in multiple countries including Korea, Russia, USA, Syria, and Ukraine. He has a background in Japanese architecture as well as design.

妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院

Instructor: Aiko Tanaka

She was born and raised in Kyoto and influenced by her mother, who was a teacher of tea. She has been practicing the way of tea since she was young child.

妙心寺 春光院 妙心寺 春光院